Your client’s convenience is our goal remotely OR in-person. Scale your business by outsourcing your signings.
Instant appointments
Instant appointments
We handle the doc prep 100%
Signings average 10 - 15 minutes.
We handle the doc prep 100%
Signings average 10 - 15 minutes.
Easy booking via Calendly
Easy booking via Calendly
We pre-verify ID & qualify witnesses
Uber style location updates day of appointment
We pre-verify ID & qualify witnesses
Uber style location updates day of appointment
Choose when and where to sign
Choose when and where to sign
Our notary delivers printed will & laptop
Electronic signature via RON on other documents
Our notary delivers printed will & laptop
Electronic signature via RON on other documents
Instant appointments
We handle the doc prep 100%
Signings average 10 - 15 minutes.
Easy booking via Calendly
We pre-verify ID & qualify witnesses
Uber style location updates day of appointment
Choose when and where to sign
Our notary delivers printed will & laptop
Electronic signature via RON on other documents
One stop shop for all your EP signing needs.
Extensive quality assurance of names, dates, addresses and key data. We got you.
We process county recording fees and handle all rejections on your behalf.
We can provide a second witness in addition to the notary in-person or remotely.
Customize client experience 100%. Paper weight and brightness. Calls, emails or texts. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!
Meetings can be arranged in-person or remotely at a date and time of your client's choosing.
We can assemble binders using your materials or ours and ship to your clients via FedEx with a signature requirement.
1. RON notarized deeds can be immediately filed electronically with most counties.
2. Secure, verified PDF with digital audit trail & verifiable electronic signatures.
3. Video recording of the
notarization stored indefinitely.
RON made its debut in the state of Virginia in 2011. Over the past decade, RON has been adopted by more than 40 US states.
Thanks to state legislature governing notarizations performed out of state, it is possible for a RON notarized document to be accepted in a state that has not yet allowed online notarization.
It’s confusing, it’s complicated, and we’ve created the solution for you all the way through to deed recording.
To demonstrate that the document was signed by an alert and willing signer.
1. Individual files to submit as needed
2. Secure file with IP audit trail
3. Complete estate plan package
We review every word across every page before your client signs
Despite our California focus, our network is nationwide. Please contact us to discuss.
Meet some of our excellent notaries from all over the US.
Trusted, professional, flexible and ready to handle the toughest situations.
Hundreds of years of
accumulated notary experience across our database of over 60K notaries.
All of our top-tier notaries are vetted for great customer service, patience and tech skills.
We have a robust network of trusted notaries across the entire 50 United States including Guam and Puerto Rico.
Over the past decade, we have painstakingly built an incredible global team across 5 continents. This time difference advantage guarantees phone and email support around the clock to ensure your client's estate planning signing experience is pleasant, streamlined and stress free. Please do you own research in your local jurisdiction as the information provided on this website is for reference only and does not constitute legal advice in any way shape or form.
Join our audience of over 16,000 to receive updates on AI-powered outsourcing for estate planning attorneys every 2 weeks.
Over the past decade, we have painstakingly built a close-knit global team across 5 continents. This time difference advantage guarantees phone and email support around the clock to ensure your client’s signing experience is pleasant, streamlined and stress free. Please do your own research in your local jurisdiction as the information provided on this website is for reference only and does not constitute legal advice in any way, shape or form.
Join 16,000 people who receive updates on AI-powered outsourcing for estate planning attorneys every two weeks.